
iad France - Jocelyne Giner Crozant

Mandataire immobilier

Prestations : Achat - Estimation - Immobilier de prestige - Vente - Viager

Conseillère immobilier sur le secteur Vallée de la Creuse, je vous accompagne dans tous vos projets :  de l'évaluation du bien à sa valorisation et vente, acquisition classique ou en viager. 


5 avis

Tous les avis sont lus et contrôlés par notre équipe de modération.

Exceeds expectations

Mme Giner has, from the beginning of this difficult sale, caught the essence of our (many) questions. She spared neither effort nor time to investigate, check, explain, meet our requirements, be there if needed. Even when problems arrose (and there were many), she remained friendly and helpful and came with solutions. As we are not native french, she helped and informed us what to do when we did not know the french procedures. It was certainly partly thanks to her that we were ultimately able to buy the house. We are very grateful to her !
Déposé le 11 Juin 2024
Suivi / conseils
Ecoute / Compréhension
Disponibilité / Réactivité
Gestion administrative
iad France - Jocelyne Giner a répondu à cet avis :
Thank you very much for your feedback and for the trust you place in me. It was a pleasure to assist you in your new life project. I wish you great success in your move and setting into your new house. I look forward to seeing you soon.

100 % de recommandation
Site internet
Adresse du professionnel
iad France - Jocelyne Giner
23160 Crozant